How Easy It Is

The Dreadful Obazy sits in his warm office, thumbing through the daily reports, notes for speeches, and the never ending requests from his minions. Zombies from all around the world look to him as being the messiah, the savior the one who will destroy inequality and save the Earth. His faithful zombies, blind in their obedience, relentless in their recitation of his rhetoric, and stalwart in defense of all he says and does.

A crooked smile creases his mouth. The makeup lady has not shown up this morning, and his zombie blood leaks out of the rotten corner of his mouth. As a drop of bloody ooze leaks onto one of the pages, he laughs. That side of his mouth is always giving him problems, it happens to be the side he uses when giving a speech, but with a little make up it will be as good as new, and no one will know the truth.


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